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Once again it is possible to order the traditional butter cookies - this year four designs are available: (四种罐面可选)
Maersk Line (Appr. 七角星 DKK per carton)
Maersk Logistcs (Appr. 七角星 DKK per carton)
APM Terminals (Appr. 七角星 DKK per carton)
Energy (Appr. 七角星 DKK per carton)
Energy tins are made with the logo of: Maersk contractors, Mærsk Olie og Gas, Maersk Tankers, and Maersk Supply Service)
The prices are approximate per carton (containing 6 tins)(计落七角星人民币一罐?!). The final price will be calculated from the total cost - which is depending on the total number of cookies ordered. The price is excluding transportation, which will be debited directly from Maersk Logistics.
This year the ordering will be online - please follow the below link and type in all necessary information.
Online order forms:
Esplanaden (伊斯坦布尔)
All other destinations
Once you have submitted your order you will be able to check your orders - and make changes - on these links: My submissions for Esplanaden & My submissions for all other destinations After the 29 June you cannot to change the order online.
The deadline is 29 June 2007
You will receive an order confirmation on the mail adress you have indicated in the order form shortly after 1 July 2007.
All shipments are to arrive at their destinations at the latest 1 December 2007.
The cookies for Esplanaden will arrive in the end of November 2007, a mail will be sent to the mail adress in the order form.
All cookies will be produced at one time, in week 37 or 38, which means that you cannot order after the deadline - we only produce as ordered. Once produced and packed the cookies for the destinations farthest off will be shipped first.(想象两个星期之内饼厂拼命地烘制曲奇饼)
The cookies are produced in Denmark and will be dispatched from Aarhus.
When submitting your order for Butter Cookies 2007 please be sure to list all documents needed for customs clearance. Additionally, it is of the utmost importance that you also specify if any "special text" is needed in any of the documents. If this has not been done correctly we will charge a documentation fee of up to USD 200,00 per document covering additional work and document procedures for Maersk Logistics Danmark A/S and for the butter cookies manufacturer. (曲奇PENALTY啊)
Maersk Logistics will handle the shipping.(马士基物流系指定FORWARDAR啊) They will be responsible for choosing forwarders and they should be contacted concerning your shipment. Maersk Logistics will send a mail to the adress specified in the order form, when shipment details are ready. Most shipments be sent in September and October, starting with the destinations with the longest transit time. Hence Maersk Logistics will not know the shipment details for i.e. Europe right after week 37/38.
All cookies to Esplanaden (and offices near by) will be delivered automatically to Esplanaden in november, and can be picked up by you. Please await mail from Purchasing Logistics.
The cost of the cookies will be debited to your current account, or on the department number (for Esplanaden).
Maersk Logistics will send an invoice for the transportation costs. Please note the all import costs are to be paid by the buyer(唔知入口费要几多?计唔计海运费?) .
Purchasing Logistics is responsible for the A.P. Moller - Maersk Cookies worldwide . Should you have questions please contact us on mail:
JingXXX Wang(WIW后发现系个中国人) can also be contacted on +45 XXXXXX, for general questions concerning ordering and delivery
Contract responsible, TXXXXXX EXXXXXX, +45 XXXXXXX
Transportation is handled by Maersk Logistics Denmark, all questions concerning delivery, customs etc. should be directed to:
Shipments inside Europe: XXXXXX@Maersk-Logistics.com
Shipments outside Europe: XXXXXX@maersk-Logistics.com
This year, the Maersk Line tin will be featuring EMMA MAERSK -winner of 'Ship of the Year' at the Lloyd's List awards in London, March 2007.
Being one of the most environmentally friendly container vessels ever built, the PS-class vessels -to which EMMA MAERSK belongs - have set new standards in innovation, environment and safety for Maersk Line.
In addition to the pride of Maersk Line, EMMA MAERSK, the tin will feature two hosting devices (on the sides) with pictures representing our business -hardware, our people, our customers' world and global.
会用艾玛.马士基呢只全球响晒朵嘅大船做为封面.艾玛同佢几只同LEVEL噶船系服务欧亚线,所以我未行过,不过一个区域,或者港口噶知名度并不在于可唔可以停靠万U级巨轮,又有谁知道其实亚太线上最大嘅船只系6600U呢? 洛杉矶?长滩?(停过中海8500U)塔科马?(据说可以停艾玛)
This year we have chosen a picture from our 'our customers' world' range. This category supports the idea that Maersk Logistics can bring goods from one part of the world to another - thus creating opportunities in global commerce.
The picture is featuring people walking up and down stairs also supporting the logistics idea of movement, -from one destination directly to another, - from global to local.
In addition to the picture, the tin will feature two hosting devices (on the sides) with pictures representing our business -hardware, our people, our customers' world and global.





2007-09-06 13:54, 星期四



2007-09-07 22:01, 星期五

点解你甘得闲睇甘多Maersk内部网既野既 刚进公司一个礼拜 第二人我就开始做野了... 不如留低UID啦 有好多野想请教下你 我都系今年毕业既 search blog既时候净系稳到你一个Maersk fans级既人


2007-09-08 01:05, 星期六

to CC: 每人只有一盒:( ,不过我会留意的。


2007-09-08 01:12, 星期六

to Daniel, SZH, TONY TANG


2007-09-14 00:05, 星期五

Quote 丹麦有两间公司系我耳熟能详,一系丹麦蓝罐曲奇,另外一个系马士基 Unquote 其实~~~仲有一间,就系乐高公司~~~LOGO木吖~~~同马记都有一腿架~~~ 你咁CUTE~~有空可以系IM倾倾啵.~~~ b.rgds



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