hello my friend,
1.sorry I have no idea too.
2.modify the language file(line 54 "$lang[25]="Back to";") and viewdetails.php(line 103 "$lang[25] $shopname\\")
YY :>
>From: raymond chan <******@yahoo.com>
>To: u@hail.com
>Subject: Please help for MiniWebShop, Thanks
>Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 23:16:18 -0800 (PST)
>I know you are experence in MiniWebShop. I am using
>this good tool but have some problems here. Can you
>help me?
>1) How to edit the number of page.
>I have some item deleted but the number of page still
>2) How can i change the text in the button(Return to
>Mini Web Shop) under the item detial. I need it is
>different with the shop name.
>For example:
>Shop name : Mini Web shop
>Button text : return to Shop
>3) Have you any other similar tools can use?
>Thank you very much!
>Best regards,
>Raymond Chan