搜索巴拉巴拉小魔仙汶件时搜索到不得了的东东,来自Kiln的Shipmap.org | Visualisation of Global Cargo Ships | By Kiln and UCL。
搜索巴拉巴拉小魔仙汶件时搜索到不得了的东东,来自Kiln的Shipmap.org | Visualisation of Global Cargo Ships | By Kiln and UCL。
Baltic Runner from George Leonov on Vimeo.
This time lapse footage was made while I worked on a containership the MV Carat going around the Baltic Sea and North Europe. During the trip we went from Riga, Latvia to Tallinn, Estonia to Klaipeda, Lithuania, Gdynia, Poland, then to the other side of Europe through the Kiel Canal to Hamburg and Bremerhaven, Germany. This was a very fast paced environment, sometimes as little as eight hours sailing between ports and many berth shifts while loading and unloading cargo. Note the precise shiphandling while maneuvering the ship and without any assistance of the tug boats. Over 15,000 photos were used to put this video together, all summed up in five minutes. Enjoy!
All footage and sequences available in 4K.
For licensing / permission to use or special projects contact Georgeleonphotography@gmail.com
Photography and editing by George Leonov
Music by Disfigure "Hollah!”. NCS NoCopyrightSounds
Camera - Panasonic Lumix GH3
Lens - LUMIX G X VARIO 12-35mm / F2.8 ASPH
Smooth transitions by LRTimelapse 3
© 2015 George Leonov
2015年George Leonov随集装箱船Carat经波罗的海至北欧游历,从拉托维亚首都里加出发,经爱沙尼亚首都塔林,至立陶宛克莱佩达港,到达波兰格丁尼亚港,后穿过基尔运河抵达德国的汉堡港和不来梅港。
一起来欣赏这段George Leonov带来的,用超过15000张4K高分辨率图片拼接的视频吧。
All footage and sequences available in 4K.
For licensing / permission to use or special projects contact Georgeleonphotography@gmail.com
Photography and editing by George Leonov
Music by Disfigure "Hollah!”. NCS NoCopyrightSounds https://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds/disfigure-hollah-ncs-release
Camera - Panasonic Lumix GH3
Lens - LUMIX G X VARIO 12-35mm / F2.8 ASPH
Smooth transitions by LRTimelapse 3
© 2015 George Leonov
Container truck accident on highway caused causalities is not rare for us, what is the policy for carrier to dispose these containers (with blood sometimes) ?
It's a topic not refer to certain carrier nor questioning their policy but more like a respect to human being.
我在Container Shipping群组里创建了一个话题,讨论船公司对出过“命案”的集装箱是如何处理的。
每年集装箱车祸压死人不是什么新闻,细思一下沾染了血肉的柜子完成有关部门的调查后就可以放行还到船公司指定的堆场,堆场的工作人员看到时是否会目瞪口呆? 清理血肉本不是难事,高压水枪冲一冲,落入排污渠,但这些毕竟是人肉啊,一般尸体骨殖拿去烧还能成灰还给家属,但这些附着在冰冷集装箱箱体上的残骸就这样变为垃圾了,家属知道后会不会更加心痛?
2015年8月1日,世界最大集装箱船之一,运力高达19,224个TEU的MSC Zoe靠入汉堡港。 长395.5米的MSC Zoe是继MSC Oscar和MSC Oliver后,地中海航运“奥斯卡级”的第三艘船。
This happened August 1, 2015 as the 19,224 TEU MV MSC Zoe, one of the world’s biggest containerships, was docking at the Port of Hamburg for its christening and maiden call at the port.
The 395.5 meter long ship is the third vessel in Mediterranean Shipping Company’s "Oscar class", behind MSC Oscar and MSC Oliver, which currently share the title of world’s biggest containerships by TEU capacity.
优酷视频:世界最大集装箱船MSC ZOE携星战主题曲炸裂进港
今年9月28号,Mary Maersk和丹麦皇家海军进行了一次反海盗演习。
Naval exercise on Mary Maersk from Maersk Line on Vimeo. On 28 September, Mary Maersk provided the backdrop for the Royal Danish Navy in an anti-piracy training mission. Video credit: Royal Danish Navy It was a dramatic evening for Mary Maersk last Sunday. Sailing through the Fehmarn Belt dividing Denmark and Germany, 30 soldiers were suddenly lowered from helicopters to board the vessel. Members of the Frogman Corps – an elite commando unit of the Royal Danish Navy – their mission was to defeat the pirates who had taken control of the large container vessel. It was all an exercise, of course, and piracy in the Baltic Sea has been non-existent for centuries. For the Royal Danish Navy, however, the rescue operation was designed to be as realistic as possible in preparing them for anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden, where Danish troops are regularly posted as part of an international force. Role-playing to secure maritime interests The operation included a wide number of actors in a role-playing setting, including paramedics, military police and the pirates themselves. The frigate Niels Juel was close at hand throughout. After having successfully freed the crew, the elite unit proceeded to search the ship for any remaining threats before they could the mission a success. Night Hawk is a multinational exercise for elite units, held every other year in Denmark since 2000. More than 1,300 soldiers from seven different countries take part in the exercise with support from helicopters, aircraft and ships. Chief of the Frogman Corps Stefan Neubauer Andersen says: “The mission is absolutely serious in terms of what we have seen happen in the area off of Somalia. And it is an important part of securing Denmark’s maritime interests globally.” Maersk Line contributed by offering access to the vessel, but makes it clear that the participation does not indicate any changes to the current threat assessment.
文章原链接在此 https://www.facebook.com/notes/maersk-line/a-tall-order-karaka-sails-to-auckland/261669183888475 ,我进入公司内网找到了更多的照片。
船名:MAERSK ABERDEEN http://www.vesseltracker.com/en/Ships/Maersk-Aberdeen-9175793.html
装货港:墨尔本 2011-09-30
卸货港:奥克兰 2011-10-05
放上这个平板柜的资料,Payload 44830 kgs。
因为箱子是OOG(Out Of Gauge)并且需要提供新鲜空气,所以长颈鹿箱子被安排在甲板上(而非甲板下)。
船长Pavan Chopra。
印度通过DHL的代理(例如WorldNet Express)寄件比DHL官网报价更加优惠。
大船的工具通常会在每个航次开始时获得补充,而一些小零件会被安排在Vessel assist时提供,今次的故事是Safmarine Chambal上的“Halide leak detector”因为单价偏低未能采购,遂被安排在盐田港临时补充。(很不幸,大陆海关拒绝了这个要求)而在到达盐田之前,机轮长(Chief Engineer)发了以下的投诉信,控诉为何因为单价偏低而不能采购(类似香蕉要5块钱一斤,苹果要10块钱一斤但最少需要买100块钱),可以看到船员是基于什么立场来投诉采购部的。
-----Original Message-----
From: Safmarine Chambal
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 6:51 AM
Subject: /Saf Chambal - Cancelled line item 1 of PO 1089 [Our Ref:6GP.5601]
Cc: MLSMCONC2@maersk.com
Good day
I would have to say that the purchasing department for the reefer spares is seriously frustrating our attempts on board to look after the valuable reefer cargoes placed on board Maersk vessels!
When we order spares it is to replace spares that have been consumed; ie to replace the parts used to repair containers carrying the high value reefer cargoes - to ensure that the unit is functioning correctly and that no claims arise that will give our company (MAERSK) a bad name.
These spares are not ordered basis we have nothing better to do so we 'shall just order some, any, random spares - for the sake of it'; no, these spares are ordered because we need them to do our jobs and to thereby uphold the company name.
Whether these ordered parts form part of this allowed kit or that allowed kit should not matter.
The part that has been cancelled on this order is a mere 10 USD, that's right, TEN USD. Surely, for the sake of the bigger picture, this part can be supplied.
I fail to understand how things like this can be allowed to happen. I really don't!
Armin Duwe
Chief Engineer
Safmarine Chambal