世界最大集装箱船MSC ZOE携星战主题曲炸裂进港
2015年8月1日,世界最大集装箱船之一,运力高达19,224个TEU的MSC Zoe靠入汉堡港。 长395.5米的MSC Zoe是继MSC Oscar和MSC Oliver后,地中海航运“奥斯卡级”的第三艘船。
This happened August 1, 2015 as the 19,224 TEU MV MSC Zoe, one of the world’s biggest containerships, was docking at the Port of Hamburg for its christening and maiden call at the port.
The 395.5 meter long ship is the third vessel in Mediterranean Shipping Company’s "Oscar class", behind MSC Oscar and MSC Oliver, which currently share the title of world’s biggest containerships by TEU capacity.
优酷视频:世界最大集装箱船MSC ZOE携星战主题曲炸裂进港