三个版本的贺卡,放上Maersk Line & Maersk Logistics 的各个版本,同对应的马士基曲奇封面一致。想送比人或者送自己就填下面个表,如果寂寞得制可以留邮箱我SEND比你。 记得CLICK入去睇FLASH。
Maersk Line & Maersk Logistics 的版本
Maersk Line 的版本
Maersk Logistics 的版本 Recall一下今年的设计
This year, the Maersk Line tin will be featuring EMMA MAERSK -winner of 'Ship of the Year' at the Lloyd's List awards in London, March 2007.
Being one of the most environmentally friendly container vessels ever built, the PS-class vessels -to which EMMA MAERSK belongs - have set new standards in innovation, environment and safety for Maersk Line.
In addition to the pride of Maersk Line, EMMA MAERSK, the tin will feature two hosting devices (on the sides) with pictures representing our business -hardware, our people, our customers' world and global.
会用艾玛.马士基呢只全球响晒朵嘅大船做为封面.艾玛同佢几只同LEVEL噶船系服务欧亚线,所以我未行过,不过一个区域,或者港口噶知名度并不在于可唔可以停靠万U级巨轮,又有谁知道其实亚太线上最大嘅船只系6600U呢? 洛杉矶?长滩?(停过中海8500U)塔科马?(据说可以停艾玛)
This year we have chosen a picture from our 'our customers' world' range. This category supports the idea that Maersk Logistics can bring goods from one part of the world to another - thus creating opportunities in global commerce.
The picture is featuring people walking up and down stairs also supporting the logistics idea of movement, -from one destination directly to another, - from global to local. In addition to the picture, the tin will feature two hosting devices (on the sides) with pictures representing our business -hardware, our people, our customers' world and global.