Maersk Fleet

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《银河战国群雄传》是日本漫画家真锅让治的漫画作品与改编动画。故事背景是一个人类和外星人共处的银河系的杀戮超现实的银河舞台,力量就是一切胜者为王败者为奴礼乐败坏的战国时代。 有4个国家可以选择

势力 主公 星球数
南京楼军 龍我雷 1
大五丈军 骸羅 15
練军 羅候 2
南天連合军 獨眼龍正宗(女的哦) 5

这个游戏的一个甜点是舰队在6边型棋盘上移动时的感觉堪称完美,舰队内的舰只会随着地形和友军的位置以适当的速度进行调整,伴随引擎的轰隆声和大宇宙的背景,为小学时还是满脑枪枪炮炮的我带来无穷遐想。(于是每天放学都跑去游戏机铺子看人家玩这个游戏) 我刚刚用模拟器录了一下战斗的视频,不过声音没处理好,将就看看。 优酷视频: 银河战国群雄传 接下来就应该是大学时代一度沉迷的网页游戏Ogame中的一个术语,FS——Fleet Save,舰队保护,每天下线前都要做一下这个动作来保存舰队。 中海QQ群里面有个肥仔又叫做F.S. ,游戏迷,所以大家推测FS系 法师 的缩写,但群主JJ指出亦有可能系Fxxk Sxxt的缩写。 时空穿梭到2011年,日常工作中觉得比较有型的一件事是把修复或者丢失的集装箱重新编入队伍中,行话叫做rejoin the fleet——令一个“单元”重新归入“地球最强商船舰队”。 于是马士基就推出一个介绍马士基船队的网站MaerskFleet啦,看官请点击:,在里面可以实时追踪马士基187条大船,虚拟参观船只和船只比对,以下内容为无责任内网内容转载。

New website lowers the gangway
Maersk Fleet
Explaining to business partners, potential employees, family or friends what Maersk is all about just got easier. On a new interactive website, everyone can see the ships, the rigs, and size them up, find their location — even take a virtual tour.
Until now, anyone with an interest or curiosity about Maersk, wanting to explore and learn more about the Group's many ships and rigs, had few options beyond text or photos found on the internet.

The new website,, enables customers and business partners as well as current and potential employees to take a closer look at Maersk and get a feel for the size and diversity of the fleet.

"The whole idea with creating is to make the Group more tangible for everyone from the outside world. We wanted to make the vessels and the business easier to get to know and explore," says Anja Andersen, Group Branding.

Designed to encourage and ensure audience engagement and interactivity, the site supports the Group's strategic focus as an open, transparent and accessible company, partner and employer. The site uses multimedia, info graphics and interactive elements to communicate complex features in a clear, interesting, and easily digestible manner.

Insiders allowed
Besides giving people who are not employed by Maersk some insight into the Group, the employees can also make good use of the site.

"Our Group is so big that even though you might know your own business, there are a lot of things to learn about the other parts of the Group. And it is also a great opportunity for the Group's employees to show their family and friends what a cool industry they are in," Andersen says.

Illustrations compare vessels to common and entertaining reference points, from tractors to wine glasses, and vessel tours give users an inside peek into the Group's impressive array of hardware.

How does Maersk Peregrino compare to a jumbo jet? Or a blue whale? Where is Emma Maersk right now? What does one of these vessels look like on the inside? Those are some of the questions the site answers. Go to for more.
Maersk Fleet
The site is geared to:
  Employer branding: Engage employees and attract future candidates
  Sales: Kick start conversations at fairs and in sales meetings
  Business partners: Position Maersk as market leader and demonstrate brand values and operational excellence
  Press and general public: Inform, impress and engage
The site's current functionality will be regularly updated but is also a work in progress. New functionalities are being considered and developed at this time and will be added periodically. If you have an idea for a way to improve the site, please send an email to:
Maersk Fleet is the most comprehensive compilation of information for Maersk vessels with images, live maps, and virtual tours available on the new website.
On board the Maersk Peregrino
Besides letting everybody who's interested 'onboard' via, the crew of Maersk Peregrino also lowered the gangway to a documentary film crew from Discovery Channel in early 2011.
Maersk Fleet   "It was eye-opening, impressive and extremely well done," Mr M?rsk Mc-Kinney M?ller said after watching the movie.

The documentary covers the start-up of Maersk Peregrino's operation off the coast of Brazil—the drama, action, life and work of the crew. It will appear in Discovery's 'Mighty Ships' series and will broadcast for up to five years on a global scale.

Stig Hoffmeyer, CEO of Maersk FPSOs, commends the crew of Maersk Peregrino, who in addition to handling the challenging hook-up, had to do so under the watchful eye of Discovery Channel's cameras, documenting their every move. The show is expected to broadcast in Europe late 2011 or early 2012.





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