大船的工具通常会在每个航次开始时获得补充,而一些小零件会被安排在Vessel assist时提供,今次的故事是Safmarine Chambal上的“Halide leak detector”因为单价偏低未能采购,遂被安排在盐田港临时补充。(很不幸,大陆海关拒绝了这个要求)而在到达盐田之前,机轮长(Chief Engineer)发了以下的投诉信,控诉为何因为单价偏低而不能采购(类似香蕉要5块钱一斤,苹果要10块钱一斤但最少需要买100块钱),可以看到船员是基于什么立场来投诉采购部的。
-----Original Message-----
From: Safmarine Chambal
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 6:51 AM
Subject: /Saf Chambal - Cancelled line item 1 of PO 1089 [Our Ref:6GP.5601]
Cc: MLSMCONC2@maersk.com
Good day
I would have to say that the purchasing department for the reefer spares is seriously frustrating our attempts on board to look after the valuable reefer cargoes placed on board Maersk vessels!
When we order spares it is to replace spares that have been consumed; ie to replace the parts used to repair containers carrying the high value reefer cargoes - to ensure that the unit is functioning correctly and that no claims arise that will give our company (MAERSK) a bad name.
These spares are not ordered basis we have nothing better to do so we 'shall just order some, any, random spares - for the sake of it'; no, these spares are ordered because we need them to do our jobs and to thereby uphold the company name.
Whether these ordered parts form part of this allowed kit or that allowed kit should not matter.
The part that has been cancelled on this order is a mere 10 USD, that's right, TEN USD. Surely, for the sake of the bigger picture, this part can be supplied.
I fail to understand how things like this can be allowed to happen. I really don't!
Armin Duwe
Chief Engineer
Safmarine Chambal