MTGS上的讨论帖:http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=579401 根据第150楼的线索,伪造万智牌被列在阿里巴巴的网站上,用"mtg"作为关键字可以轻易搜索到有人在卖整套的万智牌,货物描述中的图片跟imgur上的第5张牌排列顺序一样,所以推断老外获得的图片是跟这个店家有关系的。 阿里巴巴供应商 Shenzhen Wangjing Printing Co., Ltd. 然后有某壕发了个小短信给店主
- Liliana of the Veil
- Tarmogoyf (Modern Masters)
- Ashiok
- Jace TMS
- GURU Island
- Mox Emerald
- Domri Rade
Tropical Island Temple Garden Stomping Ground Overgrown Tomb Scared Foundry Breeding Pool Misty Rainforst Celestial Colonnade Flooded Strand Arid Mesa Wasteland Inkmoth Nexus Elspeth Sun's Champion Tarmogoyf Cavern of Souls Scalding Tarn Hallowed Fountain Polluted Delta Surgical Extraction Sol Ring Underground sea Maesh Flats Reflecting Pool Mutavault Wooded Foothills Windswept Health Watery Grave Godless Shrine Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Savannah Blood Crypt Verdant Catacombs Kalonian Hydra Avacyn, Angel of Hope Thassa, God of the sea, Jace, Architect of Thought Swords to Plowshares Plains Chalice of the Void Goblin guide it that betrays sword of war and peace sword of fire and ice purphoros god of the forge sun titan sensei's divining top demonic tutor elspeth knight-errant thoughtseize pernicious deed sword of feast and famine goblin lackey goblin pilcdriver inquistion of kozilek engineered explosives kokusho the evening star bonfire of the damned ral zarek lona shild of emeria stoneforge mystic lona shield of emeria spellskite karn liberated tundra path to exile mountain swamp figure of destiny Ather Vial Vampiric Tutor Snapcaster Mage Academy Ruins Batterskull Forcc of Will Leyline of Sanctity Island Intuition Sphinx's Revelation Rcanimatc