


Tony 提交于


  • 区块链技术在航运界的运用,会带给企业哪些好处?

According to the research of Maersk, single shipments can require sign-off from 30 unique organizations and up to 200 communications, by implement of blockchain technology, huge communications can be saved, and the documentation/information flow will be more security.

  • 若有坏处,对企业的运营造成的最大影响是什么?或者最先被影响到的是哪个方面?

The investment in new technology is a huge money for the shipping industry, seldom carriers would have such budget in IT infrastructure.

  • 在交易的过程中,使用区块链分别对供应链管理者,海运承运人,港口以及海关机构有哪些好处?

For the shippers, the blockchain technology can reduce the cost of documentation flow, and avoid the risk of failure of the delivery of paper documentations.

For the carriers and terminals, the blockchain technology can help the digitized information interchange among trading partners more efficiency in a secure channel.

For the customs, the blockchain technology can provide a cross-check solution to varies of certificates/licenses in real time.

  • 在实际的区块链操作过程中,交易平台中的各个节点可能会面临哪些问题和风险?

Blockchain technology will lose some flexibility in terms of special handling, taking cargo release as example, customer can pick up cargo against a copy of Sea Way Bill(customer can settle the freight later as they’re credit customer), which can be download from the carrier’s online service portal at the early stage of shipment. But Blockchain request some “computing” with different participants to a shared ledger, if one participant is failure to update on time(if the financial department failure to update a “credit” record into the blockchain), will result in delay of cargo delivery.

  • 您对于区块链在物流和供应链的发展前景怎么看?

All technology has a main goal in supply chains management, such as zero stock and agile manufacturing. Blockchain technology must prove itself that it can provide an appropriate solution to optimize one of these key factors.

  • 区块链的核心技术是去中心化。若使用在物流以及供应链中,传统的第三方物流公司是否会被取代?

I don’t think 3rd party logistics will be replaced, customer need the cargo delivery with physical move at the end of the day, Blockchain can not be the actual role who deliver the cargo.

  • 第三方物流公司是否有可能利用区块链技术?

Smart contract is one of key concept in Blockchain, 3rd party logistics company can use their platform to provide more flexible service for the small shippers who have not yet implied the Blockchain.


如何用 Namecoin 注册 .bit 域名

Tony 提交于


周末浏览 ZeroNet 时发现很多网站都用上了 .bit 后缀的域名,和一串长长的 ZeroNetID 比起来自然方便很多。了解到 .bit 域名可以用近乎0元的成本注册,我也跃跃欲试,看看能不能注册几个。

按目前1个Namecoin 可以兑换15元人民币来计算,注册一个 .bit 只需要 0.15元人民币(0.01 Namecoin),每次更新域名记录需要 0.0075元人民币,每半年(36000个区块)续费一次同样是 0.0075元人民币。

目前我已经摸索到可以成功注册 .bit 域名,但如何解析还需要多点时间,因为每一次更新域名记录,都要得到6个blockchain的确认才可以完成(我的网络需要1小时以上),来回测试花了不少时间。

因为国内的电子货币市场都需要充值或实名认证才能交易,如果觉得麻烦的话可以给我留个言,我能赠送几角 Namecoin 来助你注册 .bit 域名。


注册 .bit 域名步骤

  1. 假设你已经得到了一些 Namecoin。
  2. 在钱包的 Manage name 表单内输入你想注册的 .bit 域名,d/abcde 表示你想注册 abcde.bit ,按确认。
  3. 钱包会弹出一个 Configure Name 的界面,请按这个格式绑定你的 ZeroNet 地址:  {"zeronet":{"":"123JJDRfxxVrbMwsjLGrWpaisk3bcvWuC6"}}
  4. 会请记得把上面的 123JJDRfxxVrbMwsjLGrWpaisk3bcvWuC6 替换成自己的34位ZeroNet网站地址。
  5. 好了,等待此次交易同步,在交易记录里会有一个类型为 Name operation ,标签为 NAME_NEW 的交易,等待6个确认后就完成 .bit 域名的注册和解析了。
  6. 完成。



目前已经成功解析到 ZeroNet 的网站上。


公网用户可以访问 https://bit.surf:43110/tonyhead.bit 或者 https://fuckcf.cf/tonyhead.bit

但奇怪的问题出现了,在不断调试域名记录的期间,我曾经把 tonyhead.bit 解析到一固定外网ip上,并成功通过dotbit.me bit domain proxy访问。但在我更新域名解析到 ZeroNet 并生效后,这个ipv4上的网站依旧可以访问。我试图把钱包保持在线超过48小时,足够让访客有足够的时间更新DNS记录( .bit 域名的初次解析需要域名拥有者的钱包在线),但结果依旧是不同的代理能访问到不同的网站( 分别架设在 ZeroNet 的和外网IP的两个网站)。目前我没有找到合理的解释,我需要更换本机的DNS到支持 .bit 解析的 DNS 上验证才行。





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