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最近业界最劲消息莫过于MSC地中海航运首度超越MAERSKLINE马士基航运成为全球最大船公司,于是M记毫不示弱地放出 Triple-E 消息作为反击。


但如果将AP穆勒.马士基旗下的南非海运和MCC Transport计算在内,整个马士基集团作为一个船公司单位计算则仍然要比MSC大9%。

以2月15日为统计日计算,南非海运拥有11艘班轮,总运力达31,632个20尺柜,并租赁45艘船,运力达76,379个20尺柜。新加坡MCC Transport共租赁52艘船,亚洲区总运力达78,070个20尺柜。


Triple-E 马上访问:Maersk Line Triple-E

今日2011-02-22 CET 13:00 CEO会放出告客户信,提前贴一贴上来。

Dear First Name Last Name ,
I would like to take the opportunity to share with you an exciting piece of news. Maersk Line has just ordered the world’s largest vessel, the Triple-E.
In fact, we have ordered ten — each capable of carrying 18,000 containers — and at a record 400 metres long and 59 metres wide, the Triple-E class will dwarf every other vessel currently on the water and will put Maersk Line at the helm of the world’s largest ships when they start entering service in 2013.
But the Triple-E will not only be the largest, it will also be the most environmentally efficient ship ever to hit the world’s oceans. I believe, it will set a new agenda for economies of scale, energy efficiency and unprecedented environmental performance.
CO2 emissions per container moved will be reduced by an astonishing 50% compared to the industry average on the Asia–Europe trade.
This huge improvement in environmental performance means that Maersk Line’s customers will continue to have access to the most sustainable mode of transportation in the world by far — and that consumers around the world can purchase goods safe in the knowledge that they’re leaving the smallest environmental footprint possible with today’s technology.
At Maersk Line we know that the carbon footprint of transported goods is of ever-increasing concern. With the Triple-E class vessels, we are addressing the expected growth in volume for the Asia–Europe trade over the next five years by offering our customers more capacity but with the lowest possible environmental impact.
The Triple-E class vessels will not only set Maersk Line apart as the leader of container shipping, but will also set the course for a more efficient and sustainable future for the industry.
I invite you to visit www.maersklinecom/triple-e to see the Triple-E and discover the work and innovation behind the its groundbreaking design.
Yours faithfully,
Eivind Kolding
CEO Maersk Line



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