NGM collecting
宿舍D人训晒,得我一个,40W台灯,电脑,参茶同不断重复的Henry Lee,正,fit晒我依家个心情。
中央空调一到深夜就讥讥咕咕,吴知系米清洗喉管,相当吵,不过who care who 训晒呢?
可能要推迟到10月份先有网线啊,原来有份量的领导讲也一样可以没份量 ,依个期间就拜托晒ms08啦!
She say older and to be quiet(生性). I say I always quite. She say she give me a chance to play a young character(youth would no quiet only the old would) but I missed. hehe, joking.
Telephone her happy, but the line is bad.
She ask me how the feel older is coming. I say after the 20th years old, 21 are similar to 29.
These days I got up around 2 or 3pm. No class in the daytime is good for health.
I catch sight of two books on my roommate's desk when I doing cleaning the room. One is called "How to fool woman"(愚妇戏语) and the other is "Husban and Wife"(老公老婆), and the subhead is "couple spice jokes"(夫妻情趣笑话). How bad taste these books are. =_=
These klunky books can borrow in school library, many people had read before.
I decide to publish my instant message ID for I want to contact you closer. But I don't want to have to maintain too many persistent IM relationships. Is there other solve way?
A system works like this: When I'm online, visitor can chat to me directly thought a html window. The visitor needn't use the same IM program as mine.
Test the WebQQ.
Student consider to be the hope of a country, but china has no hope.
I am now in GZ universty city, the major traffic tool here is bus, every time a bus came to station, the students will crush toward front door, push and squeeze. The station is the start stop, has plenty seats for every one, but they dash still. I don't know for what. Have they never see bus before?
These day I collected data for a mapping(here) , one method is take bus and take bus. Few people get on bus like those students, even in the "Xin Shi Xu", an average low education district.
These students better go to hell. The country is waitting someone like me.
No good self-cultivation, how good fighting is limited.
ms08 is my blog partner, you could read her works at here , usually I call her "idol", for the wisdom impact me.
I knew her because we both used "the great wall bandwidth"(an Information Server Provider), I create a forum on it. Her spark words make me noticed, once we talked I found her is that kind attract me person.
Why named ms08? A famous cartoon about Gundam called "No.08 Mobile Suit", that's why ms08.
ms08 still in middle school, but no good at study. She said money can do everything, you can received a college degree only to pay mounts of money, so no need to waste time in school. I think she has capital to say these, she is very very very clever, the education of China not fit these geniuses.
ms08 has sharp view points. She has more independence 诉求 than other people, most Chinese has no democracy consciousness, so she let me know more about personal rights. She has sharp ideas, different from much friends around me, I think it's interesting, and I can study from it.That is why I call her "idol".
ms08 likes food without flavor, sandal and leather shoes, RPG games, suffering on the internet, hates hair cut.
ms08 us0ually says "发瘟咯", you can pronounce in "fuck one lord", means "everybody get sick".
睇来系受到Google Map API同Yahoo Map API的刺激,国内老大不得不做出反应。同一个GoogleMap API应用的对比,再来一个。我都申请左个来睇睇
最近同屋企人倾也尺度大左,女朋友,吃烟,出夜街等话题都可以倾,吴知距系米睇开左。夜街,OK,听日吴好起吴到床;吃烟阿妈话得,殊不知今日下昼距地个仔就同几个高中隐藏烟铲拿左烟(信我,今次只系第二次);都系一个人FREED。或者敢讲,因为周围D人都有,所以我吴想 :-o