今日系两万二在SZH IEL的LAST DAY,请假赶左过去,除左找飘马雷,还见到了有GUA OTI SHIPMENT的众CUS,CAR TEAM(最近问题多多),某个看星门打WOW的宅女等,中午吃过饭下午在楼层中游来游去直到晚上坐车翻来(那么快?其实中间省略左一些很引人入胜的双人事件),一师奶赠我报纸一份,浮光掠影式的专栏下有星座运程,扫图放上(扫描仪都坏埋,用相机):
呢首"Oh God"越听越有味道啊(歌词和唱法),下载,可以开一个听歌(睇歌词)写故事的比赛,大家投稿写下根据这首歌改编的故事(或对内容的理解),例如可以从故事有几男几女,边个暗恋边个但又被兄弟抢左条女,后来边个先死左之类入手。同埋如果JERRY系地王搞桌面游戏推广可以用呢首歌试下。
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"The Most Serene Republic Oh God lyrics"
remember that night
we liked to play old board games
him into trouble and you into risk
thank god for gravity he replied
to a question she never asked before she made her final move
he stopped motion with his timex, grabbed her by the arm and said
o my god
even this overpass
sees more travel than us
i'm reading what to say from a book of violent weather
your limbs flail to music that only you can hear
make your mouth some headphones
and whisper in my ear
o my god